This is amazing!
First of all, I want to say that this song definitely matches the name.. which is something I have rarely achieved.
The chords and melodies are super happy and nice, with very nice layering and FX. I'm pretty sure I heard some saturation and EQing somewhere, but I don't really know exactly where it is in the track..
The drums are also very happy, and it definitely matches the vibe as well. I think you did a good job with sound selection, except I feel like the kick is a litttle weird. I remember having the same issue with a snare recently, when I checked the sample waveform it turns out the actual sound was delayed a little bit. However, this isn't very common for kicks, so it might just be me...
Bass/808 is suuuuper nice, love how it's heavy yet mixed well. The bass doesn't overpower the kick, which is awesome, and I like how it isn't just playing the same pattern as the kick, as people usually do in hip-hop!
Arrangement is simple but nice, love how in some sections the drums come out for a split section then come back in!
Mixing overall is great, my picky system didn't have too many issues. (although I ended up driving at a lower volume, it's no big deal)