Hello! I'm currently developing a game for a friend a mine, I was wondering where you found the 16-bit drums.
Hello! I'm currently developing a game for a friend a mine, I was wondering where you found the 16-bit drums.
sounds like a raging rivier!
soundscapes are very interesting, idk if it's noise or a really distorted synth, but it definitely encapsulates a river very well
Drums are quite gritty and sound really nice, my only gripe is that the snare is a bit quiet
overall good!
Thank you, oChron1cTQ!
Drums are very groovy, I like the choice of a (relatively) vintage snare.. although I think a more sharp hi-hat/shaker would do the song more justice
Bass is very good. The pattern is very catchy, and I like the sound design! One thing to improve would be maybe adding and EQ or distortion to make the sound a little bigger
The main synth is really nice, I like the saw/reese sound.
Mixing is pretty good.. I think some EQing on the saw/reese would help make the bass a little less murky, and I also think maybe sidechaining the kick and the bass would help the kick stand out a little more
Overall, great!
Thanks for the feedback! Although a lot of stuff you mentioned are actually fully intentional, such as the less-"in your face" bass.
(and also... i did use sidechain)
This is great! Lots to unpack here..
Chord progression is real groove, the rhythm is real nice and love how the release is handled, and the layering is absolutely amazing!
Main melody is super smooth and feel-good, very light and beautiful! Bells go hard! Although I think some more tonality in the high end would be good, to keep the bass from overpowering the song.. speaking of which..
The bass is super groovy, love how it's sort of the leader in a follow-the-leader structure, but I got to give respect to how well it is side-chained to the kick! The sidechaining is awesome, I love how it ducks lightly instead of diminishing!
Drums are simple, with a steady bounce that keeps the groove going. Great choice here!
Mixing/mastering is quite good, however again I would love to see more tonality in the high-end..
Overall, great!
Thank you for the review! I try to make my chords nostalgic. Although on the high end, I cut it off directly on purpose, it’s supposed to have a feel of low quality to sound like it came from the 2000’s. That’s why a lot of the sounds in my songs sound really compressed in a weird way. My goal is to create lots of music that takes people back to the past and what the world once was.
Sorry, don't have time to give a long review, pretty busy rn, but I would like to say that to vocals are very nice
Thank you so much! I hope it's not too overwhelming; a lot of things can happen, and it's perfectly okay to be busy. Don't worry about not giving a long review. I'm happy that you find my vocals very nice. It took me a very long time to overcome my insecurity about my voice, especially when it comes to singing. Thank you again so much!
Destroy Lonely x Opium x Ken Carson x Homixide Gang type beat LOL
This sounds alot like 7xvn tbh, sort of like LUNGS BLACKER THAN MY WARDROBE.. or maybe a bit like Lil Darkie
Anyway the main chords (or atleast I think they are chords, idk rly) Are super cool, love the dark style.. What VST/One shot is this??
Drums are cool, although the imo the hi-hats could be pitched up a little more, would make the rolls/fills a little less obnoxious.. although otherwise it's pretty hard hitting!
808 is crazy, mixed well enough so I don't die (I have a pretty good subwoofer)
Only problem is that I wish there were more melodic elements
pretty good overall, 8.5/10!
I was trying to go for a Kill Dyll type beat tbh, but I’m glad this worked out still well!
The noise in the background was a sample my friend sent me, and I instantly went to work with it lol
The drums, hihats and snare are all default Ableton sounds, but I used the “Beat Slammer” plugin by Baby Audio to add that extra amount of compression
The drum pattern is otherwise all made by me alongside the bass line!
I guess I did overdo the hihats a bit, and I should definitely fix that
The bass wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, just had to add a bit of side chaining with the kicks!
But yeah, you’re right about melody 😭, I should’ve added some more stuff
Thanks for the feedback by the way, I really appreciate it!!
Love the effects, it feels so light and cool, like fresh air, the modulation is really nice, I thought I heard a bit a gross beat, where the track reverses for a part, but that's prolly jus me, after all, you don't need gross beat for everything
What VST/One-shot did you use for the main chords? (I think its a pad if im correct) I love this sound selection!
The main keys for the lead/melody is crazy! Super reminiscent of EDM
I love the VOX (vocals), they are the spice, salt, sugar, and oil of the track! (forgive the cringe metaphor)
Mixing and mastering is done well, isn't too muddy, nice!
You’re my favorite fan, I deeply appreciate these long reviews to see what you have to say and tell me how I can improve. So happy you like the track! I actually didn’t use gross beat, that was just how the drum loop I found was. I can’t quite remember about the pad, but it’s lots of arturia plugins and a plug-in called lossy, (the low quality sounding things, it’s on purpose to make the song sound really really old.) See you in my next song!
Drums are nice, love the vintage feeling
Chords and melodies are nice, love the pitchbends and I like the choice of bells
Bass is good, I like how it doesn't overtake the kick
Mixing and mastering is done pretty well!
Thank you! I appreciate your feedback.
It sounds like there's a lot of FX and LFOs, seems like some rhythm modifications like Grossbeat, or maybe just manual mods. Love it SO MUCH!
The simplicity of the drums is amazing! I love how it's simple, it really fits the vibe! It's very uncluttered and minimalistic, 100%!!!!! 你做的他好了!
Love the chords and melody, ESPECIALLY the modulation, but the best part would be the sound selection. Keep up the work!
I love how there's no sub-bass, instead you let the kick take over the sub, and have the chords/melody/high-bass take over in the low-mid/high-low.
Mixing, Mastering is great!
Arrangement is simple but nice, love the pitchbends (like the one at 2:34)
Thank you. I saved up money to buy a Roli Seaboard Rise 2. That is what enables the pitch bends.
Nice drums, love the dnb vibe!
Bass is good, but not so much my house shakes. Good balance!
There seems to not be a big focus on melody and chords, there only kiiinddaaaa there, but I think it's really helpful for the track!
Arrangement is nice, I love the outro!
Mixing & Mastering is pretty good!
Overall, great song! 10/10
Thank you!